Pre-school Study tool Smart Reading pen with audio book for Kids
Smart Reading Pen comes with 800 pcs of recordable stickers and 60 pcs of pre-recorded stickers, and each of the recordable sticker has a unique code that allows users to associate different recordings with every page of the book. Each recording can be changed again and again, and only the last one will be saved in the pen to save its memory.
ØAnimate any object with sound
ØRecord languages, music, message or sound effects
ØTurn any book into an audio book, record and playback
ØChange recordings any time
ØShare your recordings with as many people as you like
ØThe possibilities are endless…
How to work with the recordable stickers:
1) Press record key to enter record model
2) Choose a sticker
3) Start your recording after 3 tunes
4) Press record key to stop recording
5) Touch the stickers to read the recording
6) Try again when changing to new recording
•A few inches from the mouth will be even better while recording.
•Each sticker can be recorded up to 5 minutes.